The following databases include citing article information
Let's say you want to find the articles citing Hegel's 2007 article "Phase transitions in a biodiesel reactor using supercritical methanol" published in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 46(19):6360-6365.
In Scopus:
Do a document search for the authors last name AND the article title in quotes. Search "all fields." Set the "date range" to correspond to the publication year.
Click on the number in the far-right column to see records for citing articles.
In SciFinder:
Use "Explore References" to perform a "Journal" search
When you find the Chemical Abstract record for the article of interest, click on the link to citing articles that appears on the far right-hand side of the screen.
In Google Scholar:
Search for the article title in quotes AND one of the author's last names
"Phase transitions in a biodiesel reactor using supercritical methanol" hegel
Click on the "Cited by" link under the relevant result.
Not all CINAHL records include cited reference lists. Thus, CINAHL citing reference searching is definitely hit or miss. Lets say you want to find articles that cite:
Fetal heart rate monitoring using the fetal electrocardiogram. Bhogabl K; Crowe J; Pieri JF; Hayes-Gill B; Shakespear S; Smith C; James D; RCM Midwives Journal, 1999; 2 (6); 190-2.
Search for the article's title.
When you find the CINAHL record for the article of interest, look for a "Cited References" link near the bottom of the record.
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